This Goodwinch Take Off Motor is a high quality 24v replacement electric winch motor with a circlip groove at the end of the shaft. Its large brushes and proven reliability under strenuous conditions make this one of the best and most well known brands of winch motors available on the market today.
- Horse power: 5.6
- Amps (no load): 23
- Voltage: 24v
- RPM: 4000
- Warranty: 1 year
This motor will suit any of the following winches:
Goodwinch: TDS9.5, TDS12, TDS16 and TDS20
KingOne: TDS9.5, TDS12, TDS16 and TDS20
Warn: M8000, XD9000i, 8274, 9.5se and 9.5xp
Superwinch: EP9, EPI9, X9 and Husky
May fit other winches, but please check before ordering if you are unsure.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information relating to this product, in the interest of technical improvement this specification may be altered without notice.